100 years of establishment of Delhi University

100 years of establishment of Delhi University


100 years of establishment of Delhi University – Today Current Affairs

  • On 1st May 2022, the establishment of ‘Delhi University’ completed 100 years.

Today Current Affairs


  • The ‘Delhi University’ was established in the year 1922 by an act passed by the then British India’s legislature – the Central Legislative Assembly.
  • The University of Delhi originally consisted of three colleges – St. Stephen’s College, which was established in the year 1881 by a missionary initiative called the ‘Cambridge Mission to Delhi’; Hindu College, which was established in the year 1899, and Ramjas College, which was established on 14 May 1917 by Rai Kedar Nath, a renowned educationist and philanthropist.
  • Earlier these three colleges were affiliated to ‘Punjab University’.

Role of Delhi University in India’s Freedom Movement : The Hindu Analysis

  • In the year 1933 the erstwhile ‘Viceregal Lodge’ – where the ‘Gandhi-Irwin Pact’ had been signed two years earlier – became part of the university’s assets. This colonial-era building now houses the office of the Vice-Chancellor.
  • Although the ‘Viceregal Lodge’ was constructed in 1902, but before that there used to be a ‘Hunting Lodge’ in this place and during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, British officers fled and hid in this ‘Hunting Lodge’.
  • After the Central Assembly bombings of April 8, 1929, ‘Bhagat Singh’ was imprisoned in the Viceregal Lodge and was tried in the same building. The Hindu Analysis
  • When revolutionary Chandrashekhar Azad was living away from the British government, he was hid by the students of ‘Ramjas College’ (a college of the university).
  • The students of ‘Hindu College’ (another college of the university) were actively involved in the ‘Quit India Movement’ of 1942.
  • According to former Vice-Chancellor Dinesh Singh, Delhi University has a charter of its own, which was prepared by its then (1938-1950) Vice-Chancellor, ‘Maurice Gwyer’. Maurice Gwyer was also the Chief Justice of India from 1937 to 1943. The Hindu Analysis
  • The Vice President of India acts as the ‘Chancellor’ of the University.
  • It has been recognized as an Institute of Eminence (IoE) by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Here we mention all information about 100 years of establishment of Delhi University  Today Current Affairs

yojna ias daily current affairs 04 May 2022

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