UPSC CSE is an extensive exam that lasts almost a year. It consists of three parts: Prelims, Mains, and Interview. Each exam is designed to shortlist the best of candidates for the next stage. Every year, many lakhs of students apply for this exam, but in the end, only a few are selected. The only thing that separates one aspirant from the other is their preparation. Yojna IAS is the best IAS coaching in Delhi. Join our GS Pre Mains 3-Years course to be UPSC ready!
Salient Features
- Live classroom classes: Yojna IAS offers live classroom classes with experienced faculty who are experts in the UPSC CSE syllabus. This allows students to interact with the faculty and ask questions in real time.
- Comprehensive study material: Yojna IAS provides comprehensive study material that is updated regularly to reflect the latest changes to the UPSC CSE syllabus. The study material includes carefully designed notes, practice questions, and mock tests.
- Recorded lectures: Students who miss a live class can watch the recorded lectures at their convenience. This allows students to catch up on any missed material and review concepts as needed.
- Daily e newspaper: Yojna IAS provides a daily e-newspaper that contains news articles and analysis on current affairs topics. This helps students stay up-to-date on the latest news and events that are relevant to the UPSC CSE exam.
- Weekly Current Affairs PDF: Yojna IAS provides a weekly Current Affairs PDF that summarizes the important news and events of the week. This helps students focus on the most important topics and avoid getting overwhelmed by the amount of information available.
- Live interaction with subject experts: Students have the opportunity to interact with subject experts in live Q&A sessions. This allows students to get personalized attention from the faculty and clarify any concepts they are struggling with.
- Personalized attention: Yojna IAS provides personalized attention to each student. This means that students can get help from the faculty whenever they need it, whether it is during a live class, a recorded lecture, or a one-on-one session.
- Study material book set: Yojna IAS provides a comprehensive study material book set that includes notes, practice questions, and mock tests. This book set is a valuable resource for students who want to succeed in the UPSC CSE exam.
- Magazines: Yojna IAS provides a subscription to a variety of magazines that cover current affairs, general knowledge, and other topics that are relevant to the UPSC CSE exam. This helps students stay up-to-date on the latest news and events and learn about different perspectives on current issues.
- PDF notes: Yojna IAS provides PDF notes that summarize the important concepts in each topic. These notes are a valuable resource for students who want to review the material quickly or who need help understanding a particular concept.