Chain based method for calculating GDP estimates.

Chain based method for calculating GDP estimates.

Source: The Economic Times


  • Instead of a fixed base revised every five years, national account statistics or GDP estimates are compared with those of the previous period in the chain base index.
  • Chaining means fixed frequency.

What are the issues associated with fixed base indexes?

  • Structure change in the economy does not lead to change in weight assigned to various economic activities.
  • Fixed base index method does not factor in relative changes in prices and impact on demand.
  •  Present GDP statistics do not fully capture India’s gig economy.

Advantages of  chain base method: 

  • GDP estimates to become more current and relevant: As, it will capture structural changes in the economy faster by allowing new activity and items to be added every year.
  • Simplifies inter -country growth comparisons: As it is in line with global practice to estimate growth.
  • Chain based index will help fully capture India’s gig economy and also services as 60% of India’s GDP comes from services.

Issues associated with chain based methods:

  • Method will impose a burden on the data collection machinery as well as the respondents as it would require much better data collection with quick addition of new businesses, goods and establishments.
  • May lead to compromise on details due to more frequency.
  • Lack of enough data from previous years. 
  • Discrepancy in growth data: As its difference from real growth would depend on weights assigned to elements.

Article: India may switch to chain base mechanism for GDP estimates.

Article Link: .

Yojna IAS  Daily current affairs eng med 26th Sep


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