Iron quarrying: Tamil Nadu

Iron quarrying: Tamil Nadu


Iron quarrying: Tamil Nadu – Today Current Affairs

  • Carbon dating of recent excavation work in Tamil Nadu has provided evidence that iron was used in India 4,200 years ago.
  • Earlier, the evidence of the use of iron in the country was believed to be 1900-2000 BC and 1500 BC for Tamil Nadu.
  • The latest evidence of iron use in Tamil Nadu dates back to 2172 BC.

Today Current Affairs


  • This excavation took place at Mayiladumparai near Krishnagiri in Tamil Nadu.
  • Mayiladumparai is an important site with cultural material dating back to the Microlithic (30,000 BCE) and Early Historic (600 BCE) eras.
  • Among other important findings, evidence has been found that the Neolithic phase in Tamil Nadu began before 2200 BC. This conclusion is based on the study of cultural deposits of 25 cm height found below the dated level. The Hindu Analysis
  • Archaeologists also found that black and red colored pottery was introduced only towards the end of the Neolithic period and not the Iron Age as is widely believed.

Historical importance:

 Production of agricultural equipment : The Hindu Analysis

  • The invention of iron technology led to the production of agricultural tools and weapons, which made possible the production necessary for a civilization before economic and cultural progress.
  • Where copper was first used by Indians (1500 BC), there are no known records or evidence of iron being used in the Indus Valley?

Useful in deforestation : The Hindu Analysis

  • Deforestation occurred when humans started using iron tools to clear dense forests and clear land for agricultural work because it would have been difficult to clear dense forests and use copper tools in agricultural land.

Socio-Economic Changes : The Hindu Analysis

  • On the basis of the latest evidence obtained from 1500 BC to 2000 BC, it can be assumed that the cultural emergence of Iron Age took place in 2000 BC.
  • Around 600 BCE iron technology formed the basis for large-scale socio-economic changes that led to the development of the Tamil Brahmi script.
  • The Tamil Brahmi scripts are believed to have originated around 300 BCE, but a historical discovery in the year 2019 put the period at 600 BCE.
  • This dating or period served to bridge the gap between the Indus Valley Civilization and the Sangam Age of Tamilgam/South India.

Here we mention all information about Iron quarrying: Tamil Nadu  Today Current Affairs.

Yojna ias daily current affairs 16 May 2022

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