The UPSC exam is very difficult. To succeed, you need to be very dedicated, persistent, and have a good study plan. Recently, the question patterns have changed, so it is important to take practice tests. The prelims exam is the first stage of the UPSC exam. It is a qualifying exam, and only the top scorers will move on to the mains exam.
Yojna IAS understands that you may be worried about whether you are prepared enough for the UPSC prelims exam. Our offline prelims test series is designed to help you banish those doubts.
The questions in our test series are closely aligned with the latest trends and likely questions in the UPSC exam. This will give you the confidence that you are well-prepared for the exam.
We also offer a classroom-like environment for our test series, which will help you stay focused and motivated. With Yojna IAS’s offline prelims test series, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible preparation for the UPSC prelims exam.
Fee Structure -10,000/-
Yojna IAS understands that UPSC aspirants may have financial constraints. That’s why we offer our offline prelims test series at a competitive price of Rs. 10,000.
Key Features of Yojna’s Offline Prelims Test Series
Our online Prelims test series boasts several features designed to enhance your preparation:
- The test series covers the entire UPSC syllabus with 40 tests, including 20 sectional tests and 20 full-length tests.
- You can take the tests online or offline, whichever is more convenient for you.
- We weigh the topics based on their importance and likelihood of appearing in the actual exam.
- Our test papers are designed to be as realistic as possible, so you can get thorough and effective practice.
- We have detailed discussions on the test series with our faculty members, so you can get deeper insights into your performance and the subject matter.
- We encourage group discussions with fellow aspirants to promote peer motivation and collaborative learning.
- Our offline prelims test series offers a comprehensive and unified practice experience for all our students across the country, just like the UPSC exam.
- We conduct tests at regular intervals to help you stay consistent and disciplined in your preparation.