This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Bangkok Vision 2030”. The topic “Bangkok Vision 2030” has relevance in the International Relations section of the UPSC CSE exam.


For Prelims:

What is Bangkok Vision 2030?

Facts about BIMSTEC?

For Mains:

GS 2: International Relations

Mechanism of working of BIMSTEC?

Significance of BIMSTEC?

Why in the news?

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) summit end of this year will adopt a Bangkok vision 2030 which would be overarching kind of document and give direction to the organisation

What is Bangkok Vision 2030?

Thailand has introduced the Bangkok Vision 2030, which aims to advance BIMSTEC towards a prosperous, resilient, and open region, fostering sustainable and balanced growth. The vision sets a clear direction and priorities for BIMSTEC collaboration to address challenges and seize opportunities in the coming decade.

To monitor progress in all seven sectors, an eminent group of individuals has been established. This group will oversee the implementation and advancement of the vision, ensuring its successful realization.

Thailand hosted the 5th BIMSTEC Permanent Working Committee (BPWC) Meeting in September 2022. This meeting provided a platform for member states to discuss and coordinate efforts towards achieving the goals outlined in the Bangkok Vision 2030.

The Bangkok Vision 2030 serves as a roadmap for BIMSTEC, guiding its activities and initiatives towards building a prosperous, resilient, and open region by the year 2030. The vision emphasizes the importance of sustainable development, balanced growth, and collaboration among member states to realize the shared goals of the organization.

Facts about BIMSTEC?

  • Establishment: BIMSTEC was established on June 6, 1997, through the Bangkok Declaration.
  • Member States: BIMSTEC consists of seven member states, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
  • Geographical Coverage: The BIMSTEC region spans across South Asia and Southeast Asia, covering 1.5 million square miles and a population of over 1.6 billion people.
  • Objectives: The main objectives of BIMSTEC are to promote economic cooperation, trade, investment, technological collaboration, cultural exchange, and people-to-people connectivity among member states.
  • Areas of Cooperation: BIMSTEC focuses on various areas of cooperation, including trade and investment, transport and communication, energy, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, poverty alleviation, counter-terrorism, climate change, and disaster management.
  • Summits and Meetings: BIMSTEC holds summits at the head of state or government level every two years. Ministerial meetings and senior officials’ meetings are also conducted regularly to discuss and coordinate cooperation efforts.
  • Secretariat: BIMSTEC operates through a Secretariat, which is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Secretariat facilitates communication, coordination, and implementation of BIMSTEC activities.


Mechanism of working of BIMSTEC?

  • Leadership: The organization operates under the leadership of member states, with each country having equal representation.
  • Summit Meetings: BIMSTEC holds summits at the head of state or government level every two years. The summits provide a platform for member states to discuss strategic issues, review progress, and set priorities for cooperation. The host country of the summit assumes the role of the Chair of BIMSTEC for the next two years.
  • Ministerial Meetings: Ministerial meetings are held regularly to discuss specific sectors and areas of cooperation. The meetings are attended by relevant ministers from member states, such as foreign affairs, trade, transport, energy, and tourism. These meetings aim to strengthen cooperation and provide policy guidance.
  • Senior Officials’ Meetings: Senior officials’ meetings take place to prepare and follow up on the decisions made at the summits and ministerial meetings. These meetings are attended by senior government officials responsible for coordinating BIMSTEC-related activities within member states.
  • Secretariat: BIMSTEC operates through a Secretariat, which serves as the focal point for communication, coordination, and implementation of BIMSTEC activities. The Secretariat is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and is headed by the Secretary-General, who is appointed by member states on a rotational basis.
  • Working Groups and Task Forces: BIMSTEC has established several working groups and task forces focusing on specific sectors and areas of cooperation. These groups are composed of relevant experts and officials from member states and work to identify areas of collaboration, develop action plans, and implement specific projects.
  • Sectoral Cooperation: BIMSTEC covers various sectors of cooperation, including trade and investment, transport and communication, energy, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, poverty alleviation, counter-terrorism, climate change, and disaster management. Sector-specific meetings and initiatives are organized to facilitate cooperation and progress in these areas.
  • Project-based Approach: BIMSTEC follows a project-based approach to implement cooperative activities. Member states propose projects and initiatives for consideration and funding under BIMSTEC. The Secretariat and relevant working groups facilitate project evaluation, resource mobilization, and monitoring of project implementation.


Significance of BIMSTEC?

  • Regional Cooperation: BIMSTEC fosters regional cooperation among member states in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It provides a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and coordination on various issues of mutual interest and concern.
  • Economic Integration: BIMSTEC aims to enhance economic integration among member states through initiatives such as trade facilitation, investment promotion, and the development of transport and connectivity networks. This can lead to increased cross-border trade, investment opportunities, and economic growth in the region.
  • Geopolitical Significance: BIMSTEC’s geographical location, spanning both South Asia and Southeast Asia, makes it a strategically important organization. It connects the fast-growing economies of India and Thailand, and the countries of BIMSTEC collectively represent a significant portion of the global population and GDP.
  • Trade and Investment Opportunities: BIMSTEC provides a platform to explore and expand trade and investment opportunities among member states. By reducing trade barriers, harmonizing trade rules, and promoting business linkages, BIMSTEC aims to enhance intra-regional trade and economic cooperation.
  • People-to-People Connectivity: BIMSTEC emphasizes people-to-people connectivity, cultural exchanges, and tourism cooperation. These efforts help foster mutual understanding, promote tourism, and strengthen social and cultural ties among member states.
  • Addressing Common Challenges: BIMSTEC facilitates collaboration in addressing common challenges faced by member states, such as climate change, natural disasters, terrorism, transnational crime, and poverty. By sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources, BIMSTEC supports joint efforts in tackling these issues.
  • Complementing Other Regional Initiatives: BIMSTEC complements and reinforces other regional initiatives like ASEAN, as it brings together countries that have shared interests and geographical proximity. Collaboration between BIMSTEC and ASEAN can contribute to greater regional integration and connectivity.
  • Sub-regional Development Initiatives: BIMSTEC supports sub-regional development initiatives, such as the BBIN Initiative and the IMT Trilateral Highway project. These projects focus on enhancing connectivity and cooperation among specific subsets of member states, promoting economic development and regional integration.


Yojna daily current affairs eng med 21th June 2023

Q.1 Which regional vision aims to propel BIMSTEC towards a prosperous, resilient, and open region by 2030, with a focus on sustainable and balanced growth?

(a) ASEAN Vision 2030

(b) Bay of Bengal Vision 2030

(c) Bangkok Vision 2030

(d) South Asia Vision 2030

answer: (c)

Q.2 Which of the following sectors of cooperation are emphasized within the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)?

A.Climate change

B.Cultural exchange

C.Defense cooperation

D.Poverty alleviation


F.Water resource management

Select the correct options:

(a) A, C, F

(b) B, D, E

(c) A, D, E, F

(d) B, C, D, F

answer: (c)

Q.3 “Discuss the significance of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in promoting regional integration and cooperation in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Examine its potential for fostering economic growth, addressing common challenges, and enhancing connectivity among member states.”

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