Daily current-affairs

  Amrit Sarovar Mission - Today Current Affairs The Union Government has asked the Ministry of Railways and the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to utilize the soil/silt excavated from ponds/tanks in all districts across the country for their infrastructure projects under the Amrit Sarovar...

  FATF grey list - Today Current Affairs The Financial Action Task Force has given great relief to Pakistan in a three-day convention in Berlin, Germany. It decided to remove Pakistan from the 'Grey List'.  The FATF is expected to make an official announcement during the...

  Polio virus - Today Current Affairs Recently, the presence of 'Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus-VDPV' was found during 'Environmental Surveillance of Sewage Samples' in Kolkata. Most likely it has increased manifold due to lack of immunity. This is not a case of human-to-human polio transfer. VDPV is a...

  I2U2 Initiative - Today Current Affairs India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the US will hold their first virtual summit in July 2022 as a part of the I2U2 initiative. Today Current Affairs I2U2 Initiatives:  Background: Initially I2U2 was formed following the Abrahamic Agreement between Israel and...