Daily current-affairs

  Donate-a-Pension Initiative - Today Current Affairs Recently, a 'Pension Donation Initiative' / 'Donate-a-Pension' initiative has been launched by the Ministry of Labor. Key points of the program: This program has been started under the 'Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan' (Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan: PM-SYM) to...

  National waterways - Today Current Affairs Recently, for the first time through National Waterways, food grains were sent from Patna via Bangladesh to 'Pandu' in Guwahati. For this the Brahmaputra (NW2) has been linked with the Ganges (National Waterway-1) through the 'Indo Bangladesh Protocol (IBP)'...

  UPI123Pay - Today Current Affairs The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched a new UPI service called UPI123Pay for non-internet users' phones to make digital payments, as well as a 24x7 helpline for digital payments called 'DigiSathi'. DigiSathi has been set up by the...

Today Current Affairs 10 March The Hindu Analysis Current Affairs   https://yojnaias.com/mission-indradhanush/ https://yojnaias.com/edible-oil-india/ https://yojnaias.com/pal-dadhav-massacre-gujarat/ https://yojnaias.com/swatantrata-sainik-samman-yojana/   Download yojna ias daily current affairs 10 March 2022 Hindi...

  Mission Indradhanush - Today Current Affairs Apart from successful COVID-19 vaccination, Odisha has the highest coverage of complete immunization in the country with 90.5% coverage. Key point According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5, Odisha tops the list nationally in complete immunization coverage, with 90.5%...

  Edible Oil - Today Current Affairs Due to strict measures taken by the government, the prices of edible oil have been under control for the last two years, irrespective of the COVID situation. However, due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the prices of many...

  Pal-Dadhav Massacre - Today Current Affairs The 'Pal-Dadhvav massacre' in Gujarat on 7 March completed 100 years. The Gujarat government has described it as a "bigger massacre than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre". Today Current Affairs About Pal-Dadhav Massacre: This massacre took place on March 7, 1922, in...