Current Affairs

Science behind heavy rockets
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Indian Express News: LVM3 M2/OneWeb India-1 mission of  Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) carried almost 6 tonnes payload  into lower-earth orbit, highest of any ISRO mission. Features of some rockets: LMV3 rocket: It has a lift-off mass of 640 tonnes. In lower earth…

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From Lodha to Ramana: the Chief Justices of the Modi era
Daily current-affairs

From Lodha to Ramana: the Chief Justices of the Modi era The Supreme Court (SC) of India known as the  custodian of the Indian Constitution. Primary responsibility of the SC: To ensure protection of fundamental rights of citizens guaranteed under the Constitution from the state….

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ISRO’s heaviest rocket launches 36 satellites.
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Hindu News: Recently, ISRO’ s heaviest rocket Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM3 or GSLV Mark 3) placed 36 satellites in low earth orbit. About OneWeb: U.K. government and India’s Bharti Enterprises launched OneWeb as a joint venture. OneWeb partnered with NSIL and ISRO…

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First private bio-energy plant in Punjab
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Hindu News: Punjab is witnessing the beginnings of a renewable energy revolution rooted in agriculture as the first private bio-energy plant commenced its commercial operation. Plant aims to convert agricultural waste into wealth through production of  Compressed BioGas (CBG) from paddy straw. Common…

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Express Editorial: Weaving a safety net
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Indian Express News: Reports published in Indian Express raises issues of labour violations and exploitation of Indian workers in the Gulf countries. Migrant issues in Gulf countries: Violation of labour rights in destination countries, especially in Gulf countries. Vulnerabilities of low-skill migrant workers…

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New varieties of Basmati rice seeds
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Hindu News: New five paddy seeds developed by  IARI in 2020 and 2021 can resist diseases and herbicides. Initially, out of  five, three varieties can resist two common fungal and bacterial diseases of paddy while in the case of the other two seeds…

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Ancient Water Management System
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Hindu News: Kings in Indian history developed the water management system of the highest order. Visnu and Vasistha’s Dharma Shastras as well as Chanakya’s Arthashastra also consist of  instructions on water management. Contribution of Chola in water management: Creation of great anicut of…

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World Economic Outlook Report 2022
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Indian Express News: Red flags for India after publish of IMF’s latest world economy report. About World Economic Outlook Report Report is published by the International Monetary Fund. The IMF publishes two World Economic Outlook (WEO) reports (in April and October) and two…

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Living Planet Report 2022
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Indian Express News: Report shows that biodiversity populations  shrinks to 69% in nearly 5 decades. About Living Planet Report Report is flagship World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This is a biennial report that is published after every 2 years. Report is a comprehensive study…

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International Migration Outlook Report 2022
Daily current-affairs

Source: The Indian Express About International Migration Outlook 2022 Report Released by  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) It provides an overview of trends in international migration flows and policies up until 2021. Report puts a spotlight on origin countries and destination countries of…

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