Emotional Intelligence is an important topic of GS Paper 4 UPSC.
- Relevance in UPSC
- Relevant for UPSC MAINS
What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Emotional Intelligence is the ability of an individual to perceive emotions, reflectively regulate emotions, and understand emotions and emotional
- In other words, the emotional intelligence of a person, makes one understand how he has to showcase his emotion, at what time, and with
- Similar lines were also said by one of the greatest philosophers e. Aristotle.
- According to Aristotle
- “ Anyone can become angry- that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time and for the right purpose-that is not within everyone’s power and that is not ”
According to Daniel Goleman
- “As much as 80% of adult success, comes from EQ”

Emotional Intelligence
Significance of Emotional Intelligence
In the life of a civil servant under the emotional Intelligence
- Protest handling: Emotional intelligence can help a civil servant in quelling up the
- DCP Chetan Singh Rathore sang the National Anthem in order to quell the CAA protest in Bangalore.
- Managing the fake complaints:
- As a civil servant, lots of fake complaints are encountered by the people’s representative
- In order to sieve these genuine complaints from fake complaints, it is important.
- Managing stress
- As it is said in the movie ‘Spiderman’, “With great power comes great responsibility”, the people on the high post also face the
- In order to meet the expectations of various people at several times of the time, they had to undergo an ample amount of
- g. The pressure being felt by policemen during COVID Lockdown.
- Protest handling: Emotional intelligence can help a civil servant in quelling up the
In the life of a student
- Relieving stress: Examination takes a lot of toll on the mind and body of a
- This has also resulted in an increasing number of suicides among students of young Eg. a Rising number of suicides in Kota.
- High emotional intelligence is thus required for relieving stress at the required
- Increasing efficiency: A student has to manage several things at the same
- Students have to deal with several subjects at several places e. both at the coaching as well as at the school or college.
- This requires emotional stability for which emotional intelligence becomes very much
- Keeping the peer pressure at bay:
- There is a lot of peer pressure in the life of
- This pressure could get involved in some form of intoxication like cigarettes, or alcohol, Even Mahatma Gandhi stole a piece of gold from the bracelet.
- Thus if one has to avoid these pressures emotionally, the young chap has to be
Relevance in society
- Respecting one’s thoughts: Emotionally one has to be respectful towards others’ faiths and
- This would be possible only when the person would be emotionally strong enough to deal with opposite points of
- This could in turn reduce rioting in society, cyberbullying
According to Swami VIvekanand’s story of “ Mind being the restless monkey”, who has drank the wine of desires and is stung by the scorpene of jealousy. This makes room for mental peace to be mandatory for the healthy well-being of an individual. Thus emotional intelligence might prove to be the silver bullet in order to keep you Mansa(Thinking ), Vacha(words), and Karma(actions). It is only this consonance that could bring happiness in the life of an individual, as also said by Mahatma Gandhi.
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