

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “India-Egypt”. The topic “India-Egypt” has relevance in the International Relations section of the UPSC CSE exam.


For Prelims:

Location of Egypt?

Facts about India Egypt Relations?

For Mains:

GS 2: International Relations?

Significance of Egypt For India?

Challenges for india?

Why in the news?

Egypt’s President El-Sisi who was India’s Republic Day chief guest this year, conferred Egypt’s highest State Honour, “The Order of The Nile”, on Mr. Modi; it is given to world leaders and those “who offer Egypt or humanity invaluable services”

Location of Egypt?

Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Sudan to the south, Libya to the west, and Israel and the Gaza Strip to the northeast. It also shares maritime borders with Cyprus and Saudi Arabia.

The Sinai Peninsula, located in the northeastern part of Egypt, connects the African mainland with the Asian continent. It is bordered by the Gulf of Suez to the west and the Gulf of Aqaba to the east. The Suez Canal, a vital waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, also runs through Egypt.

Facts about India Egypt Relations?

  • Upgrade to Strategic Partnership: India and Egypt have decided to upgrade their ties to a Strategic Partnership, a significant move that strengthens their relationship in the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region.
  • Historical Ties: India and Egypt have a long history of ties, including signing a Friendship Treaty in 1955 and being founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement and the G-77 grouping.
  • Non-Alignment: During the Cold War, both countries shared a common stance of not aligning with either the U.S. or the Soviet Union, promoting an independent foreign policy.
  • Similar Positions on Ukraine Crisis: India and Egypt have taken similar positions on the Ukraine war, not condemning Russia’s actions but calling for a diplomatic resolution.
  • Wheat Supply and Goodwill: India’s decision to supply wheat to Egypt when it faced import disruptions due to the blockade on exports from Russia and Ukraine earned India goodwill in Cairo.
  • Cooperation in Various Sectors: India and Egypt are pursuing closer cooperation in green energy, pharmaceuticals, defence, agriculture, archaeology, antiquities, and competition law.
  • Engagement with the Muslim World: Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the Al-Hakim Mosque and meeting with Egypt’s Grand Mufti aimed to dispel misgivings about India’s policies towards the Muslim world.


Significance of Egypt For India?

  • Trade and Economic Cooperation: India and Egypt have substantial bilateral trade, which contributes to their economic growth. Enhanced economic cooperation benefits both countries by promoting investments, expanding market access, and facilitating technology transfers.
  • Energy Security: Egypt is a significant player in the energy sector, particularly in natural gas production. India, being one of the world’s largest energy consumers, seeks to ensure a stable and diversified energy supply. Cooperation with Egypt helps India in meeting its energy needs.
  • Counterterrorism and Security: Both India and Egypt face challenges related to terrorism and extremism. Cooperation in intelligence sharing, capacity building, and joint operations strengthens their collective efforts in combating terrorism and maintaining regional security.
  • Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges: Cultural ties between India and Egypt promote mutual understanding, fostering cultural exchanges, tourism, and educational collaborations. People-to-people contacts contribute to building stronger bonds and enhancing the overall bilateral relationship.
  • Strategic Importance: Egypt’s geographical location at the crossroads of Africa, the Middle East, and Europe gives it strategic significance. Strengthening ties with Egypt enables India to enhance its engagement in the broader region, including the Arab world and Africa.
  • International Diplomacy: India and Egypt often share common positions on global issues and have collaborated in multilateral forums like the United Nations. Closer ties with Egypt provide India with a valuable partner in advancing shared interests and priorities on the international stage.


Challenges for india?

  • Geographical Distance: The geographical distance between India and Egypt poses a logistical challenge for regular and effective coordination.
  • Language Barrier: Language differences, with Arabic being the primary language in Egypt and Hindi/English in India, can pose communication challenges and hinder seamless interactions.
  • Trade Imbalance: There is a trade imbalance between India and Egypt, with India’s imports from Egypt outweighing its exports. Addressing this trade gap and diversifying the trade basket are ongoing challenges.
  • Political Instability: Egypt has experienced political instability in recent years, including periods of unrest and regime changes. This instability can impact the consistency and continuity of bilateral engagements.
  • Regional Dynamics: The complex and evolving regional dynamics in the Middle East, including conflicts and geopolitical rivalries, can influence India-Egypt relations and present challenges for cooperation on regional issues.
  • Connectivity: Limited air connectivity and direct flight options between India and Egypt can pose challenges for enhanced people-to-people contacts and increased tourism.
  • Cultural Differences: While cultural exchanges are vital for bilateral relations, differing cultural practices and perceptions can sometimes create challenges in understanding and fostering stronger cultural ties.


Yojna daily current affairs eng med 27th June 2023

Q.1 Which of the following statements accurately describes the location of Egypt?

  1. Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the east.
  2. Egypt shares its borders with Libya to the west and Sudan to the south.
  3. The Sinai Peninsula, a part of Egyptian territory, lies to the northeast of the country.

Select the correct option(s):

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1, 2, and 3

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q.2 Consider the following statement:

  1. India and Egypt upgraded their ties to a Strategic Partnership, strengthening their relationship in the WANA region.
  2. India and Egypt have a long history of ties, including signing a Friendship Treaty in 1955 and being founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement and the G-77 grouping.
  3. India and Egypt have taken a similar position on the Ukraine crisis, calling for a diplomatic resolution without condemning Russia’s actions.

Select the correct option(s):

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 2 and 3 only

Answer: (a)

Q.3 Explain the significance of the India-Egypt relationship, highlighting the key aspects of cooperation and its impact on regional dynamics.

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