Japan’s SLIM Mission 

Japan’s SLIM Mission 

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “ Japan’s SLIM Mission”. This topic has relevance in the Science and Technology section of the UPSC CSE exam.

GS 3: Science and Technology

Why in the news?

Having achieved lunar orbit on Christmas Day, SLIM is set to undertake a soft-landing attempt on the moon on January 19.


On December 25, 2023, Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) spacecraft successfully entered lunar orbit, marking a crucial step in its mission. The planned moon-landing attempt is scheduled for January 19, 2024, positioning Japan to potentially become the fifth country to achieve a soft landing on the moon. This development follows India’s success with the Chandrayaan-3 mission in August 2023. The outcome of SLIM’s mission holds significance for future lunar exploration endeavors, including the upcoming Chandrayaan-4 mission.

About SLIM:

  • SLIM, crafted and launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on September 7, 2023, is a compact spacecraft weighing merely 590 kg at launch.
  • In contrast, Chandrayaan-3, launched by India, had a launch weight of 3,900 kg, highlighting SLIM’s streamlined design.
  • Launched alongside the XRISM X-ray space telescope aboard an H-2A rocket, SLIM entered an elliptical lunar orbit with a farthest point (apogee) of 4,000 km and a closest point (perigee) of 600 km above the lunar surface.
  • SLIM’s moon-landing attempt in January 2024 represents Japan’s second endeavor this year, following the HAKUTO-R M1 lander’s unfortunate crash in April.

Comparing SLIM and Chandrayaan-3 

  • Trajectory Comparison: Compared to Chandrayaan-3, the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) exhibits a lighter design due to carrying less fuel. Chandrayaan-3, with a total weight of 3.9 tonnes, had a propulsion module weighing 2.1 tonnes. While Chandrayaan-3 followed the Hohmann transfer orbit, allowing it to reach the moon in less than a month, SLIM took four months for its journey. SLIM’s elongated trajectory, based on the weak-stability boundary theory, focused on fuel efficiency.
  • Approach to Lunar Capture: Chandrayaan-3, upon nearing the moon, applied brakes, consuming fuel to slow down and be captured by the moon’s gravity. In contrast, SLIM, upon proximity to the moon, allowed itself to be deflected towards the lunar direction, bypassing lunar orbit and delving deeper into space. This deflection resulted from combined forces exerted by the earth and the moon.
  • SLIM’s Lunar Objectives: On January 19th, SLIM aims to achieve a remarkably precise landing within 100 meters of its designated site, setting a record for the smallest area tolerance in moon-landing missions. For context, Chandrayaan-3’s ‘Vikram’ lander targeted a descent within a 4 km long downrange and 2.5 km wide cross-range elliptical area.
  • Deployment of Rovers: Just before landing, SLIM will deploy two small rovers named Lunar Excursion Vehicle (LEV) 1 and 2. Together with SLIM, these rovers will conduct studies on the lunar surface near the landing point, gather temperature and radiation data, and endeavor to explore the moon’s mantle. The SLIM mission, with its precise landing and rover deployment, represents a significant step in advancing lunar exploration capabilities.

Impact of SLIM on Chandrayaan-4 and Lunar Polar Exploration

Exploring the Lunar South Pole:

  • Scientists are particularly intrigued by the moon’s south pole region, where certain craters are perpetually in shadow, harboring water-ice.
  • These shadowed areas present an opportunity for lunar surface missions to explore and potentially extract water.

Conclusion of Chandrayaan-3 and the Lunar Polar Exploration Mission:

  • ISRO’s successful execution of Chandrayaan-3 marked the conclusion of the second phase of its lunar exploration program.
  • The next mission, Lunar Polar Exploration (LUPEX), also known as Chandrayaan-4, is a collaborative effort between India and Japan, with a tentative launch date in 2026.

Crucial Role of SLIM Technologies:

  • SLIM’s technologies, especially a feature-matching algorithm and navigation systems, tested by JAXA, will be instrumental for LUPEX/Chandrayaan-4’s success.
  • JAXA’s approval of LUPEX has been granted, although India is yet to confirm.
  • The Japanese space agency is expected to provide the launch vehicle and lunar rover, while India will contribute the lander module.

Advancements in Lunar Exploration:

  • LUPEX/Chandrayaan-4 aims to explore an area closer to the moon’s south pole than Chandrayaan-3, unlocking new insights into lunar geology and resources.
  • SLIM’s findings and testing of technologies will significantly contribute to the success of LUPEX.
  • The specific landing site for LUPEX/Chandrayaan-4 is yet to be determined, with the ‘Vikram’ lander of Chandrayaan-3 landing approximately 600 km from the south pole.

Source: How Japan’s moon-landing attempt in January will affect Chandrayaan 4 – The Hindu

Download Yojna daily current affairs eng med 29th Dec 2023

Q.1 SLIM Lunar Mission, recently seen in the news is a mission associated with:

(a) JAXA

(b) ESA

(c) NASA 

(d) ISRO


Q.2 Assess the evolution of India’s lunar exploration program . Discuss the significance of India’s pursuit of lunar exploration in the context of global space exploration initiatives.


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