08 Jun 2021 Performance Grading Index (PGI)
Performance Grading Index (PGI)
The Union Education Minister has approved the release of Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 for States and Union Territories.
The PGI is a tool to provide insights on the status of school education in States and UTs including key levers that drive their performance and critical areas for improvement.
The Performance Grading Index (PGI):
- The PGI exercise envisages that the index would propel States and UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventionsthat will bring about the much-desired optimal education outcomes.
- The PGI helps the States/UTs to pinpoint the gapsand accordingly prioritise areas for intervention to ensure that the school education system is robust at every level.
Implementing Agency:
- It is initiated by the Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL).
Source of Information:
- The information on the indicators are drawn from data available with the DoSEL from the Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE), National Achievement Survey (NAS) of NCERT, Mid Day Mealwebsite, Public Financial Management System (PFMS) and the information uploaded by the States and UTs on the Shagun portal of DoSEL.
- The PGI is structured in two categories, namely, Outcomes and Governance & Managementand comprises 70 indicators in aggregate with a total weightage of 1000.
- Domainsunder categories include: Access, Infrastructure & Facilities, Equity, Governance process.
Important Findings of the PGI 2019-20:
- State-wise Performance:
- Shows that 33 States and UTs have improved their PGI scoresin 2019-20 compared to the previous year.
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Puducherry, Punjab and Tamil Nadu have improvedtheir overall PGI scores by 10%.
- Inter-state Differential:
- On a maximum possible of 1000 points, the range between the States and UTs with the highest and the lowest score is more than 380 pointsin the year 2019-20.
- Domain-wise Performance:
- Access: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Punjabhave shown improvement of 10% or more in the ‘Access’ domain.
- Infrastructure and Facilities:Thirteen states and UTs have shown improvement by 10% or more in ‘Infrastructure and Facilities’ while Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Odisha have improved their scores in the domain by 20% or more.
- Equity:In ‘Equity’, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Odisha have shown an improvement of more than 10%.
- Governance Process:19 states have shown improvement by 10% or more.
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengalhave shown improvement by at least 20%.
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