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India-Maldives row
Daily current-affairs

This article covers ‘Daily Current Affairs’ and the topic details of ‘ India-Maldives row.’ This topic is relevant in the “India and its neighborhood” section of the UPSC CSE exam.   UPSC Mains GS-2 Syllabus : India and its neighborhood   Why in the News?…

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European Union’s Carbon Boundary adjustment mechanism (CBAM)
Daily current-affairs

Source – Editorial of ‘The Hindu’ and a brief summary of PIB. General Studies: Climate change, sustainable development, international relations, continuous dimensions of economy, emission trade system (ETC), greenhouse gas emissions, carbon leakage, World Trade Organization Law. Why in the discussion / News ? Climate…

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India to join SKA Observatory as a full member.
Daily current-affairs

This article covers ‘Daily Current Affairs’ and the topic details of ‘ India’s participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Project .’ This topic is relevant in the “Science and Technology” section of the UPSC CSE exam. UPSC Mains GS-3 Syllabus : Achievements of Indians…

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Persons with Disabilities: Welfare and Empowerment
Daily current-affairs

Source – ‘The Hindu’ General Studies: Social Justice, Government Welfare Schemes Why in discussion / News ? Recently, Ms. Heba Hagras of Egypt has been appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council as the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from…

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PRITHvi VIgyan Scheme
Daily current-affairs

This article covers ‘ Daily Current Affairs ’ and the content details of ‘ PRITHvi VIgyan Scheme’ This content is applicable in the “Science & Technology ” section of the UPSC CSE exam. UPSC Mains GS3 Syllabus : Science and technology- developments and their applications…

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Current relevance of radical changes in the Indian examination system.
Daily current-affairs

(This article is a brief summary of the joint editorial of ‘The Hindu’, The Economy Times of India and ‘PIB’. It also includes the suggestions of the YOJNA IAS team. This article is related to the UPSC Civil Services Examination specifically ‘Indian Economy’ Belongs to…

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Study on the effectiveness of Nano Urea.
Daily current-affairs

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details of “ 2 year study on the effectiveness of Nano Urea.”. This topic is relevant to the Agriculture section of the UPSC CSE exam. UPSC mains syllabus GS3 : Agriculture Why in the News? When…

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Daily current-affairs

UPSC MAINS SYLLABUS GS3 PAPER: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment WHY IN THE NEWS?  As per the first advance estimate of the National Statistic Office (NSO), India’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth (adjusted for inflation…

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SEBI’s Shielding / Protection / Defense
Daily current-affairs

( This article is a brief summary of the joint editorial of ‘The Economy Times of India’, ‘The Hindu‘ and ‘PIB’. It also includes the suggestions of the YOJNA IAS team. This article is based on the information about UPSC Civil Services Examination specifically on…

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Sickle Cell Anaemia
Daily current-affairs

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Sickle Cell Anaemia and National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission”. This topic “Sickle Cell Anaemia” has relevance in the “Science and Technology as well as Government Schemes” sections of the UPSC CSE exam. UPSC MAINS…

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