28 Jan 2022 ‘Transparency International’
- Recently, the Corruption Perception Index 2021 (CPI) was released by ‘Transparency International’.
- As a whole, this index shows that the control of corruption in 86 percent of countries has either been largely stable or poor over the past decade.
Transparency International
- ‘Transparency International’ is an international non-governmental organization, which was established in the year 1993 in Berlin (Germany).
- Its primary objective is to combat global corruption through civic measures and to take action to prevent criminal activities arising out of corruption.
- Its publications include the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perception Index.
- Under the index, a total of 180 countries are ranked according to the opinion given by experts and businessmen on the perceived level of corruption present in their public systems.
- It relies on 13 independent data sources and uses a level pattern from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the least corruption and 100 represents the most corrupt.
- More than two-thirds of countries (68%) have scores below 50 and the average global score remains stable at 43. Since 2012, 25 countries have significantly improved their scores, but 23 countries have dropped significantly in the same period.
Top Performers:
- This year’s top countries include Denmark, Finland and New Zealand, each with a score of 88. Norway (85), Singapore (85), Sweden (85), Switzerland (84), Netherlands (82), Luxembourg (81) and Germany (80) finished in the top 10.
Poor performer
- South Sudan (11), Syria (13) and Somalia (13) were at the bottom of the index.
- Countries facing armed conflict or authoritarianism such as Venezuela (14), Afghanistan (16), North Korea (16), Yemen (16), Equatorial Guinea (17), Libya (17) and Turkmenistan (19) etc. Got the lowest score.
India’s performance:
- India ranks 85th out of 180 countries in the current index (86 in 2020 and 80 in 2019). Transparency International gave India a CPI score of 40.
- All neighboring countries of India have got lower ranking except Bhutan. Pakistan has dropped 16 places to 140th position in the index.
- India’s score has remained largely stagnant over the past decade, while some mechanisms that can aid in corruption are weakening.
- However, the index expresses concern about the country’s democratic status, as fundamental freedoms and institutional checks and balances seem to be eroding.
- Anyone who speaks out against the government is targeted through allegations of national security, defamation, treason, hate speech and contempt of court, and foreign funding regulations.
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