UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee: India

UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee: India


UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee-  Today Current Affairs

  • In January 2022, India will chair the UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee, after 10 long years.

Key point: The Hindu Analysis

  • Anti-Terrorism Committee has more importance for India, as India has been taking appropriate measures to fight terrorism on the global stage.
  • India last chaired the committee in 2012.


  • India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador TS Tirumurti announced on January 8, 2021 that India will chair three important communities at the UNSC in 2021-22.
  • There are three committees – Taliban Sanctions Committee, Anti-Terrorism Committee and Libya Sanctions Committee.

India’s resolution on counter terrorism- Today Current Affairs

  • S. Tirumurti had announced in November 2020 that India’s annual resolution on the issue of counter-terrorism was co-sponsored by over 75 countries.  This resolution was adopted unanimously in the First Committee of the UNSC.
  • India in its annual resolution titled “Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction” strengthened the system to prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems. International cooperation is encouraged.
  • India has been at the forefront of pushing terrorist groups to act for international peace and security, as India has been a victim of state-sponsored cross-border terrorism.
  • At the United Nations, India had called for stronger national measures to address the issue before the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1540.

Counter-Terrorism Committee: The Hindu Analysis

  • The Anti-Terrorism Committee is a subsidiary body of the United Nations Security Council. It is a 15-member committee set up to oversee UN Security Council Resolution 1373 in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in the US.
  • The resolution ordered all states to prohibit the sharing of information on groups planning terrorist attacks, financial aid and providing safe havens to terrorists.

Here we mention all information about UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee: India  Today Current Affairs.

yojna ias daily current affairs 29 December 2021

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