25 Nov 2023 Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI)
This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “ Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI)”. This topic has relevance in the Social Issues section of the UPSC CSE exam.
GS 2: Social Issues
Why in the news?
The Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS) recently launched the ‘Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative’ (AGNI) with the aim of promoting evidence-based medical practices in the field of Ayurveda.
Objectives of AGNI Initiative
- Platform for Innovative Practices: AGNI provides a dedicated platform for Ayurveda practitioners to report their innovative practices and share experiences in treating various disease conditions.
- Culture of Evidence-Based Practice: The initiative focuses on fostering a culture of evidence-based practice among Ayurveda practitioners, emphasizing the importance of scientific validation.
- Research for Mainstreaming Practices: AGNI aims to undertake research to mainstream pragmatic Ayurvedic practices by subjecting them to scientific validation and evidence-based appraisal.
- Documentation and Publication: CCRAS, in consultation with the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM), will document and publish reported medical practices and therapeutic regimens for educational and academic purposes.
- Database Creation and Capacity Building: The initiative involves creating a comprehensive database through applications and enhancing capacity through training in research methods and good clinical practices.
- Further Research Collaboration: CCRAS plans to conduct further research on reported medical practices, collaborating with Ayurveda practitioners and relevant institutes/organizations to validate and mainstream these practices.
The Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS) serves as the apex research organization dedicated to coordinating, formulating, developing, and promoting research on scientific lines in Ayurveda.
Additional Initiatives by CCRAS
- SPARK Program: The Studentship Program for Ayurveda Research Ken (SPARK) targets undergraduate scholars, aiming to boost scientific research in Ayurveda colleges and hospitals.
- PG-STAR Program: The Scheme for Training in Ayurveda Research for PG Scholars (PG-STAR) focuses on postgraduate scholars, providing training opportunities to enhance research skills.
- SMART Program: The Scope for Mainstreaming Ayurveda Research in Teaching Professionals (SMART) program is designed for teachers, encouraging research integration into teaching practices.
About Ayurveda
Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine originating in India over 3,000 years ago, is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘ayur’ (life) and ‘veda’ (science or knowledge), translating to the knowledge of life.
National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM)
- Establishment and Role: NCISM, a statutory body constituted under the NCISM Act, 2020, is committed to improving access to quality and affordable medical education. It ensures the availability of high-quality medical professionals in the Indian System of Medicine across the country.
- Objectives: NCISM promotes equitable and universal healthcare aligned with national health goals. It encourages medical professionals to adopt the latest research and maintains a medical register while enforcing high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services.
SOURCE: pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1978802
Q.1 Consider the following Programs:
- SPARK Program
- PG-STAR Program
- SMART Program
How many of the above are related to the development of Ayurveda?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Q.3 Examine the relevance and challenges of integrating traditional medicine systems into mainstream healthcare. Assess the measures necessary for the harmonious coexistence of traditional medicine with modern healthcare practices
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