Daily current-affairs

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Vinoba Bhave”. This topic has relevance in the History section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: About Vinoba Bhave? For Mains: GS 1: History  Contributions of Vinoba Bhave? Why in the news: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday paid tributes to...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “African Union”. This topic has relevance in the "International Relations” section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: What is the African Union? For Mains: GS2:  International Relations   Why in the news? The African Union became a member of the...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Nataraja”. This topic has relevance in the Art and Culture section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: About the Nataraja statue at G20 Summit? For Mains: GS 1: Art and Culture About the Nataraja? Why in the news: The splendid Nataraja...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor”. This topic has relevance in the "International Relations” section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: What is the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor? Who are the participants?  For Mains: GS2:  International Relations Why in the news? Prime Minister...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the Topic details “Erg Chech 002”. The Topic “Erg Chech 002" has relevance in the Science and Technology section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: About Erg Chech 002? For Mains: GS 2: Science and Technology   Why in the news: In May 2020,...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Flex-fuel Technology”. The topic “Flex-fuel Technology” has relevance in the "Science and Technology” section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: What is Flex-fuel Technology? Its benefits?  For Mains: GS2:  Science and Technology Why in the news? Toyota recently introduced a...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the Topic details “Kuiper Belt”. The Topic “Kuiper Belt" has relevance in the Science and Technology section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: About the Kuiper Belt:? For Mains: GS 3: Science and Technology Significance of the Kuiper Belt? Why in the news: Astronomers...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)”. The topic “Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)” has relevance in the "Science and Technology” section of the UPSC CSE exam.   For Prelims: What is Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)? What are its advantages...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “BRICS Expansion and Its Implications”. The topic “BRICS Expansion and Its Implications” has relevance in the "International Relations” section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: What is BRICS? Who are the new entrants? For Mains: GS2:  International Relations Why...

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the Topic details “Stump-Tailed Macaque”. The Topic “Stump-Tailed Macaque" has relevance in the Ecology section of the UPSC CSE exam. For Prelims: Geographical Range of Stump-Tailed Macaque? Dietary Habits of Stump-Tailed Macaque? Physical Characteristics of Stump-Tailed Macaque? Conservation Status of Stump-Tailed Macaque? For Mains: GS...