Daily current-affairs

Sources: The Hindu; Economic Times News: Accelerating price gains or high retail inflation remains the single biggest challenge to policymakers. Definition of Inflation from International Monetary fund: Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Recent retail inflation data published by National...

Sources: The Hindu (Srikumar Chattopadhyay); Down to Earth (Mahesh Nathan) News: Climate change has exacerbated water scarcity leading to rural-urban water disputes. Reports showing growing water stress: UNESCO’s United Nations World Water Development Report of 2022 pointed toward impending water stress and water scarcity in different parts...

India has lost its way in the use of international law. GS-2: Important International Institutions, agencies and fora - their Structure, Mandate. India’s achievement in International law sphere: India’s Constitution makers in Article 51 provided that the state shall foster respect for international law.  India organized the...

  Source: The Hindu (Editorial) Context: Kashmiri pandits have been protesting for their safety for the last several days. Many Kashmiri Pandits are targeted and killed by the militants. After the 1990s the first time, once again the targeted killing of the Kashmiri pandits have been begun  Introduction...