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Arjun Mk-1A Battle Tanks
Daily current-affairs

Why in News  Recently, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) placed an order with Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF), Chennai for supply of 118 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) Arjun Mk1A for the Indian Army. Key Points About:  The state–of-the-art MBT Mk-1A is a new variant…

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Solar DC Cooking System
Daily current-affairs

Context:  Early-stage findings of Chang’e-5 probe, which use geological mapping to link ‘exotic’ fragments in the collected samples to features near the landing site, were recently presented by China. Background:  Chinese spacecraft carrying rocks and soil from the moon had begun its journey…

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Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records (FASTER) System
Daily current-affairs

Why in News  Recently, in a major reform, the Supreme Court has given the go-ahead to implement a system for electronic transmission of its orders.  It will ensure effective implementation of Article 21 (right to life).  Earlier, the Chief Justice of India…

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Chang’e-5 probe
Daily current-affairs

Context:  Early-stage findings of Chang’e-5 probe, which use geological mapping to link ‘exotic’ fragments in the collected samples to features near the landing site, were recently presented by China. Background:  Chinese spacecraft carrying rocks and soil from the moon had begun its journey…

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Rashtriya Gokul Mission
Daily current-affairs

Context:  A review meeting on the performance of the Rashtriya Gokul Mission was held recently. What is the Rashtriya Gokul Mission?  ‘Rashtriya Gokul Mission’ was launched in 2014 to conserve and develop indigenous bovine breeds, under the National Programme for Bovine Breeding and…

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UN Food Systems Summit
Daily current-affairs

Context:  The UN Food Systems Summit is taking place in New York.  It will seek to set the stage for global food systemstransformation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It is envisioned that the Summit will have objectives and outcomes including…

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Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY
Daily current-affairs

Context: The world’s largest healthcare scheme Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) has completed three years. It was launched on September 23rd, 2018. Key Features of PM-JAY: 1. The world’s largest health insurance/ assurance scheme fully financed by the government. 2. It provides…

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Indian Reservation System
Daily current-affairs

Indian Reservation System   The context   Introduction of OBC reservation in NEET exam   The question of equity   While these provisions are undeniably one of the success stories of Indian democracy, they have also gathered a fair share of difficulties that require prompt…

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Soil bacteria have the potential to contribute to a greener revolution
Daily current-affairs

Soil bacteria have the potential to contribute to a greener revolution   The ability   Plants appear to be rather straightforward in their structure. Leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, and roots appear to be the only components of tiny shrubs and towering trees. They are not,…

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Karbi Agreement
Daily current-affairs

Karbi Agreement   The historic Karbi Anglong Agreement was signed, putting an end to a decades-long issue and safeguarding Assam’s geographical integrity.   The Context:   A historic Karbi Anglong Agreement was signed in New Delhi in the presence of Union Home Minister Shri Amit…

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