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Daily current-affairs

ONE HEALTH APPORACH Context Recently, to deal with zoonotic diseases, a need to operationalize “One Health’ policy in India was highlighted. Presently, India is dealing with COVID. The virus appears to have its origin in bats. Zoonotic Diseases The diseases, which “spillover” from animals to…

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Daily current-affairs

SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE INITIATIVE (SCRI) Context Trade ministers of India, Japan and Australia have formally launched the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI). In order to counter China’s dominance of supply chain in the Indo-Pacific region, What is it? The SCRI aims to create a virtuous cycle of enhancing supply…

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Daily current-affairs

FARZAD-B GAS FIELD CONTEXT Iran gave the FARZAD-B GAS FIELD to Petropars, a domestic gas producer. This is a setback for India’s energy ties with Iran as ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL)had discovered the gas field in 2008 and has been part of the ongoing cooperation on…

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Daily current-affairs

SEDITION Context: The arrest of an MP from Andhra Pradesh, on the grave charge of sedition, is yet another instance of the misuse of the provision relating to exciting “disaffection” against the government. The police in different States have been invoking sedition, an offence defined in Section 124A IPC, against critics…

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Antarctica gives birth to world’s largest iceberg
Daily current-affairs

Antarctica gives birth to world’s largest iceberg Details A giant slab of ice bigger than the Spanish island of Majorca has sheared off from the frozen edge of Antarctica into the Weddell Sea, becoming the largest iceberg currently afloat in the world The newly calved…

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Parambikulam Tiger Reserve
Daily current-affairs

Parambikulam Tiger Reserve Context ‘Teak and the Tiger’,a documentary,is an evocative trek through the evolution of Parambikulam Tiger Reserve Details Parambikulam Tiger Reserve is a protected area in Palakkad district of Kerala state. The wildlife sanctuary was established in 1973. It is in the Sungam…

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Mangolin Kanjur
Daily current-affairs

Context Indian Ministry of Culture has taken up the project of reprinting 108 volumes of Mongolian Kanjur under the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). First five re-printed volumes of Mongolian Kanjur Manuscripts released   Mangolin Kanjur Buddhist religious text that has 108 volumes (very prominent…

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Fertilizer Subsidy in India
Daily current-affairs

Context Decision was taken to increase the subsidy for DAP fertiliser from Rs. 500 per bag to Rs. 1200 per bag, which is an increase of 140%. Increase in subsidies The price of fertilizers is undergoing an increase due to the rising prices of phosphoric…

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Cyclone Tauktae
Daily current-affairs

Cyclone Tauktae Cyclone Tauktae, the cyclonic storm  has hit India, intensifying into an extremely severe cyclonic storm Meaning of the name:  Tauktae The name has been suggested by Myanmar. The name comes from the Burmese language and it means a ‘gecko’ or a very hitch-pitched…

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Daily current-affairs

  Sulawesi Context Pleistocene-era rock paintings dating back to 45,000-20,000 years ago in cave sites in southern Sulawesi, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, are a concern   Details   The artwork in the area includes world’s oldest hand stencil (almost 40,000 years ago), created…

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