The Role of Subhash Chandra Bose in National Movement: An Analysis 

The Role of Subhash Chandra Bose in National Movement: An Analysis 

Context: Today, we are paying our humble tribute to our great freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose on the occasion of his 77th death anniversary. This day is celebrated as the Netaji Diwash


Subhash Bose was one of the most prominent freedom fighters of India. he was not only a freedom fighter of India but o a good leader of congress also. However he had a different opinion from Mahatma Gandhi on some issues but he respected Gandhiji and in his first speech delivered from Singapore, he called Gandhi the Father of the nation “Bapu”. 

Subhash Bose preferred any tools through which the freedom of India could win irrespective of the sanctity of those tools. But Gandhi believed in the sanctity of the tools always. Gandhi did not want to take any support from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy to defeat British because of the racist and despotic nature of both countries 

After the Civil disobedience movement, Subhash rose as the unanimously accepted leader of the congress. This was the time when the stature of Subhash seemed larger than the stature of Gandhiji. In the presidential election of congress in 1939, he successfully defeated the Gandhi-supported candidate Pattabhisita Rammiya. However, he could not complete his tenure because of the resignations of many leaders from the working committee of congress. And Subhash realized that he could not work independently inside the congress without the support of Gandhian leaders, therefore he also resigned and formed his own political party inside the congress – Forward Block. 


Biography of Subhash 

Subhash was born in Cuttack on 23rd Jan 1897 in an elite family.  The birth anniversary of Subhash is also celebrated as the Parakram Diwash .  He took the civil services exams and got selection but he did not join and resigned. He joined congress in 1921 and participated in Non-cooperation Movement. He openly criticized the decision of Gandhiji regarding the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement . he called Gandhi Ji a Betrayer. He was elected the congress president in 1938 and once again he was reelected as the president of the congress in 1939. with the support of the enemies of Britain in the second world war, he wanted to fight for the liberation of India. He reorganized the Indian National Army and he also formed the Free government of India in exile. The axis powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy) recognized the government of India in exile .he established the headquarter of the INA at Rangoon. He formed three Brigades of INA- Gandhi, Nehru, and Subhash brigade. This shows that despite being the difference in the ideologies of Gandhi and Nehru, Subhash respected both.   

Ideology of Subhash 

Subhash was an extremist and he believed in socialism. The tools of the Subhash were similar tools of Karl Marx. he has influenced Lenin also and he also want to liberate India through violent means. But here it should not be understood,he was on the same path which was adopted by Bhagat Singh-type revolutionaries. He also wanted to make people aware first that political tools should be used against British rule. He also believes in mass protest. He was the core supporter of complete freedom. During the proposal of the Nehru Report, he openly condemned the demand of the dominion status of India. Here he got the support from Jawahar Lal Nehru. 

In 1939, he also wanted to launch a big mass protest against British rule but Gandhiji was not ready because Gandhi Ji was doubtful regarding the support of the masses and the mass protest would be interpreted by the British rule as a pro-Racist protest. On this issue, he left the congress 


Gandhi, Nehru, and Subhash: A comparative analysis

Gandhi, Nehru, and Subhash, all wanted to liberate India but both had different tools to liberate India. Gandhi belied in the sanctity of the tools and in his view, the achievement would be long-lasting if the tools are pure and sanctified. while Subhash belied in achievement, he was ready to use any tools to get success. All these three were socialist. Gandhi believed in the concept of Sarvoday. Through trusteeship, he wanted to bring equality. While Nehru and Subhash belied the existence of the classes. Subhash belied in class struggle and through violent means, he propagated to establish socialism. Nehru wanted two establish socialism through non-violent means. through political reforms, social could be established. 



As per the above discussion, it is clear that Subash was agree with Gandhi and Nehru up to a certain extent. the ideology of the Subhash was not quite different from the ideology of Gandhi and Nehru. Shubash also loved Gandhi and Nehru. Despite having ideological differences Subhash also moved on the path of freedom of India shown by the Gandhiji. This is the day today we should pay our humble tribute to a great leader of India 

YojnaIAS daily current affairs eng med 18th August


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