Daily current-affairs

  Recently the Department of Biotechnology-National Brain Research Center (DBT-NBRC) has developed Swadesh project for the management of neurological disorders. NBRC is the only institute in India dedicated to neuroscience research and education. About Swadesh Project: Swadesh is the first large-scale multimodal neuroimaging database specially designed...

  India-Israel Women's Conference in the field of 'Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics' (STEM) was organized. The need for increasing women's participation in STEM and introducing gender-neutral pay was highlighted during the conference. STEM: The concept of 'STEM' (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) was introduced by...

  The Government of India has approved a proposal to blend 20% ethanol with gasoline by 2025. Blending of ethanol will help in reducing the subsidy on sugar from 2023. Ethanol: Ethanol is a biofuel which is produced from agricultural products like wheat, potato, sugarcane etc....

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved 'Atmosphere and Climate Research-Modeling Observing Systems and Services' along with its eight sub-plans for the next fiscal (15th) cycle of five years (2021-2026). Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS) scheme has been approved for continuation. About ACROSS...

  The 37th edition of the Indo-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (Indo-Indonesia CORPAT) is being conducted between the Indian Navy and the Indonesian Navy. About Corpat: Maritime patrol aircraft of both the nations will participate in this exercise. It underlines mutual trust, synergy and cooperation between the navies...

  Recently Indian Railways has announced a new scheme 'Bharat Gaurav' to tap the vast tourism potential. Introduction: Under the scheme, now there will be a third section for tourism in trains. Till now the railways had a passenger section and a goods section. It’s not...

  Recently Group Captain 'Abhinandan Varthaman' was awarded the 'Veer Chakra', which is a wartime gallantry award, by the President of India. 'Gallantry Awards' are announced twice a year - on the occasion of Republic Day and Independence Day. Gallantry Awards in India (History): After independence,...